Sunday, March 29, 2009

Right now I am working on three different albums. The first is Trinity's 2nd year, then one of myself from baby to high school graduation (I think...I may go farther), and one of right now stuff. This page is for my personal album. The words to live by are written by my friend Amanda (the blonde in the picture) when we were in the 10th grade. I'm sort of a "memories pack rat" so I have all of this stuff packed away in shoe boxes in my hope chest. I found the words to live by one day while sorting through some of my old notes. I couldn't resist scrapping them. They do highlight exactly where we were at that age. I must say, however, I couldn't put all the words to live by on the page. Some things are just better left in the shoe box!! I chose my favorites to include on this page. I used an older sketch from 52 sketches (#4). Enjoy!

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